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FIRS shuts more firms over alleged tax infractions

The Federal Inland Revenue Service (FIRS) yesterday stepped up its action against
tax-defaulting companies, shutting some of them in Lagos.
Closed down were the operational headquarters of H.F.P Engineering Nigeria Limited over the company’s alleged tax liabilities of N536million.  Its workers were ordered out of the office located at Victoria Garden City (VGC).
The FIRS enforcement unit, led by Anita Erinne, also sealed Meditarian Nigeria Limited on Victoria Island (V.I.), which has a tax debt of over N4billion spanning 2008 – 2013.
Also on V.I., Dimension Data (with alleged tax liabilities in excess of N540 million) and Sirius Energy Resources (that allegedly owes N11million), were also sealed.
The enforcement team visited NICON Hotel at the VGC after it was informed that Global Fleet, an alleged tax-defaulting company owned by Mr. Jimoh Ibrahim, was operating from there but it was not sealed. This was after Ibrahim came out to explain that Global Fleet was at present being managed by Assets Management Corporation of Nigeria (AMCON).
“AMCON has taken over for now and there is a court order on that. As soon as it is waived, after we have resolved with AMCON, we will call you concerning liabilities,” he said.
Ibrahim also insisted that Global Fleet operates from its Marina headquarters and not the NICON Hotel.
At TSL Logistics Limited, located at 1 Coker Road, Ilupeju, a staff of the company put up a spirited effort to persuade the team not to seal the office.
The man, who identified himself as Mr. Wale, said the company was not owing the N724million ascribed to it by the FIRS, given that it submitted a credit note of N211million to the FIRS office yesterday. Erinne, however, insisted that the document from her office indicates a tax debt of N724million and ordered the office sealed.
FIRS had last Tuesday shut many other companies in Abuja, Lagos and other parts of the country over alleged tax debts.
They include Costain West Africa Plc, First Deepwater Discovery Limited, CAT Construction Group Limited and OPI International Limited, all in Lagos.
In Onitsha, Anambra State, FIRS shut down Shoelz International Limited, Midfield West Africa Limited, Felixo International Hotel Limited Ekwenibe and Sons Trading Company Limited  The renewed crackdown on tax defaulters began on Monday, when FIRS shut four companies in Lagos (Capital Oil Plc) and Owerri, Imo State (two eateries, De Mange and City Chef, as well as Comet Hotels and Conference Hall.).
Also in Lagos, MAKON Engineering and Technical Services Limited as well as Folawiyo Energy Trading Company, had been affected.

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