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Michelle Obama Speaks To Liberian Girls About Education

First Lady of the United States, Michelle Obama, is currently in Liberia where she is addressing
education in the country.
On Monday, Obama spoke to a group of Liberian school girls and urged them to stay in school, amidst various outside pressures. The West African country has a large dropout rate, which can mainly be contributed to financial pressures.
Michelle’s visit to Liberia is part of her “Let Girls Learn” programme – an education initiative with the goal of garnering greater support for girls who abandon (or are forced to abandon) their education. The initiative will see Obama travel the world to promote the cause.
During Monday’s speech, Obama met with young women and girls who are part of a project called Glow (Girls Leading Our World). The project is run by the US Peace Corps in Kakata in Liberia and aims to promote active citizenship.
In Liberia, it is estimated that only 37% of girls aged between 15 and 24 are literate. Along with that, enrolment at a secondary institution is also less than 40% for girls.
Speaking to the girls, Obama – who was joined by her own daughters Malia, 17 and Sasha, 15 – said that young girls need to stay in school:
“…I want you to keep fighting and stay in school,” she told the girls.
With Michelle in Liberia, the The United States Agency for International Development (USaid), also said in a statement that they will give millions of dollars in funding to the Let Girls Learn programme in Liberia.

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