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VSF launches agric scheme for IDPs as Qatar donates food items

The Victims Support Fund (VSF) yesterday launched an Agro BasedIntervention Scheme (ABIS) for
victims of Boko Haram insurgency in Yobe State.
This is coming as the Qatarian Government yesterday donated food items worth N.5 million to the Borno State government for distribution to Internally Displaced Persons (IDPs) in various camps.
Launching the scheme, the Executive Secretary of VSF,said the scheme, which has its theme: “strengthening Agro Enterprise for Households affected by Boko Haram insurgency,” has targeted 2, 000 returning farmers to liberated communities in Gujba and Gulani council areas.
He said the two areas, were however the most hit by Boko Haram insurgency in 2014 and last year.With the rains setting in and the planting season at hand and looking at the large number of people that have returned to these communities, we felt this kind of intervention is important. This will enable the returnees till their farmlands for food and start feeding themselves.
“We have to make them start feeding themselves rather than living on handouts from government and other UN donor agencies.”Prof. Ochoche also announced that VSF; apart from the fertilizer and the improved seedlings; they are giving; each IDPs’ household will get an additional cash donation of N20, 000 to augment their financial needs.
On mode of selecting beneficiaries, he said: “The VSF under this agricultural intervention program had a solid collaboration with community leaders, Local Government, State Emergency Management Agency, and the Fadama III project in the state to arrive at the beneficiaries of this scheme being launched today.”
The representative of Governor Ibrahim Gaidam Yobe state government, Mustapha Gajirima thanked the VSF for the project.The distribution of seedlings and other agricultural inputs was almost marred by the teeming residents who mistook the seedling as food meant for distribution for returning IDPs from Damaturu, the state capital.
The relief materials, according to Qatar Charity Organisation (QCHO), were procured and delivered at the cost of N6.5 million.Presenting the food items at the Government House, Maiduguri, Director of Qatar Charity, Sheikh Mohammed Adulazim Ajur said the food items was to complement “humanitarian assistance and intervention” of the United Nations and other donor agencies feed IDPs in the North-East sub-region.
He said the food items comprise 1, 500 litres of palm oil and 1, 500 bags of rice, beans, guinea corn, maize and millet to address IDPs’
food and nutritional requirements, before they return to their communities.
While thanking Sheikh Adulazim Ajur for the donations, Deputy Governor of Borno State, Alhaji Usman Durkwa, said that the food items, could go a long way to complement the state governments in feeding over two million displaced persons in camps and host communities.

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