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Nigerian man is called out for sexualizing little girls, including Kim's daughter Chicago West

A Nigerian man has been slammed as a pervert after he shared a number of tweets indicating his interest in an underage girl and 

sexualizing Kim Kardashian's 2-year-old daughter, Chicago West.


Twitter user @heisPaulo took to Twitter to reveal that he is crushing on a "15 year old girl who is bigger than her age".


Nigerian man is called out for sexualizing little girls, including Kim


He was warned that his tweet is distasteful but he stood his ground and asked if there's anything wrong with dating a 15-year-old who is "big in size and done with secondary school."


"But wait, what is really wrong with that?" he asked.


Nigerian man is called out for sexualizing little girls, including Kim


A few hours ago, Kim Kardashian shared a photo of her daughter, Chi and captioned it. "My Chi girl loves doggies."


And the same Nigerian Twitter user reshared it and wrote: "She must like doggie style too when she grown."


Nigerian man is called out for sexualizing little girls, including Kim


The tweet angered Twitter users and a number of people reported it and called him out for it.


Nigerian man is called out for sexualizing little girls, including Kim

Nigerian man is called out for sexualizing little girls, including Kim

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