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Update: Taliban Fighters Set Woman On Fire For Bad Cooking, Use Girls As Sex Slaves

HELL ON EARTH : Taliban fighters 'set woman on fire for bad cooking' as well as forcing young girls to get married to jihadis and using them as sex slaves, claims female Afghan former judge

Women are being burned to death, forced to marry Taliban fighters and also shipped overseas in coffins to be used as sex slaves in the latest horrors to unfold in Afghanistan after just five days of Taliban rule, it has been claimed.

One woman was set alight by Taliban fighters on Thursday in the north of the country because they didn't like the food they forced her to cook for them, according to Najla Ayoubi - a former Afghan judge who now lives in the US.

Still more women are being packed into coffins and shipped abroad so they can be used as sex slaves while young girls are being forced to marry Taliban fighters, she told Sky News.
It comes after videos emerged of gun-wielding Islamists beating people with rifles, confiscating Afghan national flags and shooting a police chief to death, along with reports that minorities are being tortured to death with muscles carved from their bodies by vengeful jihadis.

On Tuesday, Taliban spokesman Zabiullah Mujahid had vowed there would be no revenge attacks and that the rights of women and minorities would be respected under a new and more-moderate version of the Islamist regime which ran the country in the 1990s.
But almost all of those pledges now appeared broken just over 48 hours later, after a separate UN report warned that Taliban fighters are going house-to-house looking for western collaborators to kill.

Human rights group Amnesty International interviewed eyewitnesses and reviewed photographic evidence following a series of killings in Mundarakht.

On July 3, 2021, fighting intensified in Ghazni province between Afghan government forces and the Taliban.

Villagers said they fled into the mountains to traditional iloks, their summer grazing land, where they have basic shelters.

There was not much food for the 30 families that fled, so the following morning, July 4, five men and four women returned to the village to get supplies.

They found that their homes had been looted, and Taliban fighters were waiting for them.

Wahed Qaraman, 45, was taken from his home by Taliban fighters who broke his legs and arms, shot him in the right leg, pulled his hair out, and beat his face with a blunt object.

Another man, Jaffar Rahimi, 63, was severely beaten and accused of working for the Afghan government after money was found in his pocket.

He was strangled to death with his own scarf.

Three people involved in the burial of Rahimi said that his body was covered in bruises, and the muscles of his arms had been carved off.

Sayed Abdul Hakim, 40, had been taken from his home, beaten with sticks and rifle butts, had his arms bound, and shot twice in the leg and twice in the chest.

His body was dumped next to a nearby creek.

One eyewitness, who assisted with the burials, told Amnesty International: 'We asked the Taliban why they did this, and they told us, ''When it is the time of conflict, everyone dies, it doesn't matter if you have guns or not. It is the time of war.'

Some of the latest footage to emerge from within Afghanistan shows Taliban fighters attacking anyone carrying an Afghan national flag in at least a dozen incidents primarily in the capital Kabul.

Shocking video footage being circulated on the internet shows the kneeling handcuffed and blindfolded figure of General Haji Mullah Achakzai, chief of Badghis Province near Herat, being gunned down in a hail of bullets.

Footage posted online shows Taliban fighters attacking anyone carrying an Afghan national flag in at least a dozen incidents primarily in the capital Kabul.

One video appears to show a heavily armed militant jumping out of a pickup filled with Taliban and pulling his gun on a man on a bicycle, who is shrouded in an Afghan flag.

A second video posted online shows a Taliban fight

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